關於rottnest island的評價, Lee Hsien Loong
Just arrived in Canberra for an official visit to Australia. These children from Avondale Grammar Sc...
Just arrived in Canberra for an official visit to Australia. These children from Avondale Grammar Sc...
短尾矮袋鼠(Quokka): 「我最鐘意識新朋友,每次我都要同佢哋selfie!自拍神器已準備好!...
飛了十多個小時,半夜兩點多到澳洲Perth,同行的法國組員說睡三個小時就要出發去rottnest ...
趁著離開 Perth 前, 搭船去 Rottnest Island 看看...
我 quokka 仔喺西澳羅特尼斯島 (Rottnest Island) 等大家嚟探我 ❤ P...
我 quokka 仔喺西澳羅特尼斯島 (Rottnest Island) 等大家嚟探我 ❤ Pho...
AUSTRALIA 1ST TIME ครั้งแรกที่ออสเตรเลีย FINAL ...
AUSTRALIA 1ST TIME ครั้งแรกที่ออสเตรเลีย 3RD EP...
收睇Youtube版: https://youtu.be/eo0mTuF7A0Y 西澳之旅終於要完喇...
好多人都唔信我quokka 仔係有袋類動物,而加你信我啦😂 Photo: IG/cruzysuzy...